We will be co-hosting a conference on Health Numeracy on October 30th, 2019 at Fields Institute. Details to follow.
conceptualization of numeracy
Fantastic essay by Albert Manaster from 2001 helps make numeracy a well-defined set distinct from mathematics for the fouindations college math context. You can read it starting on page 67 of Steen’s book “Mathematics and Democracy”.
Unofficial Launch of Beta version
On Saturday February 10th at George Brown college, we launched a beta version of the on-line learning tool and introduced the conceptualization of Health Numeracy to members of the Ontario College Math Association (OCMA). Thank you to George Brown College’s
Health Numeracy content development group meeting June 8th
June 8th was the official launch of the content development part of the work that we are doing. Pictured are students from George Brown College, McMaster and Queens universities. It was a productive day and we hope to have a