We would like to invite you to help us out in our development of the on-line learning tool by providing your thoughts on numeracy and on the learning tool itself.
There will be two stages for participation – each is independent, we will not be able to track any info from stage 1 to link to your participation in stage 2.
Stage 1. survey on numeracy. Please come back and take our on-line survey.
2. Full use of One-line learning tool and/or Field Test participant. Simply click here, and you will be taken to our on-line learning tool registration page and after finishing please come back to do our on-line survey. Your will enter your email and password to register for the On-line learning tool, but that information will be stored on the data base of the on-line learning tool and will not give us permission to contact you. You can do the survey without providing us contact information. To do that you need to fill out the form provided below. Withdrawing from the research will not mean withdrawal of your registration for the use of the on-line tool.
If you choose not to participate at this time we would like to still invite you to add your voice to the Health Numeracy project by providing us with some contact information below. This will allow us to contact you with other research participation possibilities.
This project has been approved by the George Brown College Research Ethics Board, Approval No. [6004309]
Thanks for visiting,
Taras and Miroslav