You are invited to take part in the field testing of an On-Line Learning Tool and on-line survey which we will be gathering as part of an evaluation of the learning content and format of a research project entitled “Improving Health Numeracy in Health Science Students and Professionals Through an Online Instrument” and funded by SSHRC. This project is led by professors Taras Gula (George Brown College) and Miroslav Lovric (McMaster University), but the data collection in this evaluation will be led by Taras Gula.
What will I be asked to do? Your task will be to try out the HNP webapp by completing a pre-test, practice assignment, and post-test, then answer questions as part of a survey (or interview), total time commitment will be about 1 hour, but that depends on the extent of time you spend on the practice assignment.
What data will be collected? You will need to provide your institutional email address and name so that we can confirm that you are a student of Queen’s university and conduct any follow up with you. We will track your pre and post-test results and your usage of the app during the assignment phase followed by a short survey. You will know you’re the details of your own scores as soon as they are complete. Only Taras Gula, will have access to the names and email addresses of participants. After that time, the date will be anonymized and deleted from the webapp. Neither your professor nor TAs will know whether you participated nor the extent or results of your individual participation. The PI is bound by confidentiality and will not disclose the extent of your participation in this study to them. After data collection has ended we will produce a report which will only identify the type of students that participated as a group and evaluate the effectiveness of the app for the group of participants, not for any particular individual. Dissemination in journals or conference presentations will be based on anonymized data.
What choice do I have? Participation is entirely voluntary. If you decide to participate, you may still withdraw any element of the participation by simply closing the browser and asking the Research Assistant to remove your data. You will not be able to withdraw your data after it has been anonymized.
Risks and Benefits: There is no risk to you in participating. Among possible benefits are that you may strengthen your skills in mathematics that could improve your teaching.
How will the information collected be used? Results will help us identify possible areas for improvement of the form and content of the webapp, and will be presented in written research reports and conferences.
What do I need to do to participate? Please read this Information Letter and be sure you understand its contents before you consent to participate.
Further information: If there is anything you do not understand, or you have any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator Taras Gula at tgula@georgebrown.ca.
Click here to Sign Up and indicate consent

This project has been approved by the George Brown College Research Ethics Board, Approval No. [6004309] and by the McMaster University Research Ethics Board, Approval No. [2016-226]
If you have any ethics concerns please contact the General Research Ethics Board (GREB) at 1-844-535- 2988 (Toll free in North America) or email chair.GREB@queensu.ca. The Queen’s General Research Ethics Board (GREB) may request access to study data to ensure that the researcher(s) have or are meeting their ethical obligations in conducting this research. GREB is bound by confidentiality and will not disclose any personal information.
You have not waived any legal rights by consenting to participate in this study.